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Setup WHMCS Template For Hostiko Print

  • 4

If you are downloading files from ThemeForest for the first time, it is advisable to download the complete Hostiko Theme Package. This comprehensive package includes documentation for essential plugins associated with the theme, as well as demo files. However, if you have previously acquired the full package, you only need to download the WordPress Essential Files specific to the hostiko theme.

Step 1: Log in to your ThemeForest account and navigate to the "Download" tab. Locate your purchased Hostiko theme.

Step 2: Upon clicking the Download button, you have the option to select either the Installable WordPress file only, containing the theme's WordPress installable files, or opt for the All Files & Documentation, comprising the complete Hostiko Theme Package.


Step 3: Navigate to Hostiko 2.0 Theme folder > whmcs folder

You will find two folders includes and templates in whmcs folder.

Step 4: 

Connect your FTP server using any software like winscp or filezilla.

Navigate to your WHMCS installation directory. 

Step 5:

Upload these two folders here.

Step 6: 

Navigate to includes > hooks > hooks_hostiko.php

Open this file in any editor and change the $layout = 85

In Line 9 , after $layout = change 85 and add the number of the layout to whatever layout you chose, e.g If you choose layout 81 then it will be $layout = 81; 

Step 7:

Login to your WHMCS admin.

Navigate to Setting icon form the top bar and System settings. 



Step 8:

Open General Settings and Navigate to General.

Select System Theme to Hostiko from the dropdown.



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